Tuesday, 10 September 2013

just joe, about me

   My name is Joe Atkinson. I am a first year turfgrass student the University of Guelph, and have been working at Dundas Valley Golf and Curling club for the last four years in the greens department. I have never blogged before, or even read or followed blogs in the past, so bare with me. That being said I think I will use my first post to tell you a little more about myself, why I started blogging and, more or less what my blog will be about.
This post will be my first ever

   I grew up in a small farm town outside of Hamilton, Ontario Canada, called Lynden. Not much to see or do in Lynden unless you want to plough some fields or shovel horse manure, however we are known for our patriotism, as we have the biggest Canada Day celebration and parade in southern Ontario (self proclaimed). Being where I am from I do "razzed" for being a "redneck". Mostly because many of the Jeff Foxworthy "you might be a redneck if..." jokes apply to me. I am also an avid hunter and fisherman and love the outdoors. Which is why I am currently taking Turfgrass Management at Guelph. This program can offer many job opportunities that deal with the great outdoors.

   Enough about me, I would like to talk more about my blog. As part of one of my classes I am currently taking at UoG (turf communication skills) we are required to keep an updated blog on things happening around the turfgrass world. These things could be new break throughs in the field of diseases or even new equipment and ideas on basically all things turfgrass or golf. However I do believe that we are also allowed to touch on a few other things that interest us. For example I will probably have a thing or two to say about my beloved NHL team the Toronto Maple Leafs and quite possibly the Hamilton Tiger Cats and the CFL.

   Seeing this is my first blog I hope people reading will cut me some slack, as I have never been much of a writer, however I will give it my best to make sure the reader is entertained and informed.


   (above) Looking down on the first green at Dundas Valley

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