" You have to go to school for that?". I dont know how many other "turfies" get this question, but when I tell people what my program is, they always tell me that they have never heard of it and wonder why somone would need a university/college education to simply grow grass. I understand how un important it may sound to some people when compared to somthing like bio medical engineering, however to the 30-40 guys and gals that are in the Turfgrass management program here at U of Guelph, it is very important and it is also hard work that we are all extremely passionate about. When I first moved into my room at Guelph, my 5 roomates asked me about m y program and I was able to explain to them what it was and why I need school for it. They all seemed to understand, until one night. The six of us were sitting around in the common room studying, when all of the sudden my one roomate yells " UGH!!! this math is so difficult! why am I not doing somthing easy, like studying plants!". At first I just laughed because I thought she was joking. Then she gave me a second look and said " im serious, all you have to do is learn about plants and grass, its so easy". As anyone would be, I was a little offended by her basically telling me I was dumb, so I went on to explain that, yes I am learning about plants, and yes maybe I dont have as much math as her buisness program, however I am in class for over 32 hours a week, I have just as much or more home work/ projects than she does, and amongst those classes are things like the turf industry and communications which are like buisness classes themselves. In taking turf we are not just learning how to grow and treat grass, we are learning how to be good communicators, how to be good bosses, how to be good mechanics, how to be better gardeners... etc etc. The material that we are learning also directly applies to the field that we are going into. I think what people think is exactly what my roomate thinks and that is we are "just growing grass". Well at the end of the day, they are right, when you really break it down we are just cutting and growing grass, for people to tear up with thier golf clubs or football cleats, but what they dont realise is that turfgrass is so much more than cutting grass.For example most turfies are Arborists, Plumbers (irrigation), mechanics, managers, pest controlers, heavy equimpment operators, gardeners, chemists, hosts, and all around good buisness people. This is all before they go home and have to be parents, friends, and beer leauge team mates. Now I am not saying that it is the hardest job in the world, I just think it is a job that could be a little more respected. Obviosly not as respect as say the Prime Minister of Canada, but maybe next time that kid is rushing around trying to get the greens syringed, you can give him a courtisy wave or a nice hello instead of bitching at him for holding up play for 45 seconds, when all he is trying to do is keep your golf course alive. I have gone somwhat off topic and more into a personal rant, however that is how I unintentionally write, but to get back on track and sum things up (as I have to go to class now), In the future I would like to see more apreciation and understanding for the hard working men and women of turfrass,wheather you work on a golf course, sports field, or for a municipality, I hope more people understand that there is alot more too it that just growing grass.
Joe Atkinson